Private Instrument Course


This is the ideal course for Pro Students, or the new Pilot that wants to purchase an aircraft and start traveling.

4 Weeks of intensive flight and ground.  You will fly every day like a pro pilot.  We have to put in hours, so we fly as much as safety and weather allow.  More intrument flight time proceudres are integrated into the Private Pilot training to help reduce the total time neccessary to obtain both certificates.

The course includes 105 hours of aircraft rental and training.  You get access to ground training from a 17000 hour pilot with an ATP rating that is also a licensed mechanic and inspector.  All charts and plates are provided.  Upon succesful completion of this course, you will be prepared to fly confidently in the IFR system as you continue to build hours for you Commercial Certificate, or travel for business or pleasure.

Included in the price -

105 Flight Hours and instruction,  28 nights in the Airport Cottage.

Additional nights in the Cottage are $75 per night.

Written test fees, flight tests, medical exam, food, and transportation are not included.  Current checkride fees are $850 per checkride, paid directly to the examiner.


Payment Terms

$2710 Total Cash Price

$2800 non-refundable deposit to reserve training dates, plus $150 examiner scheduling fee.

$13,325 is dus and payable 10 business days prior to arrival.        $10,975,  plus second $150 examiner scheduling fee, at the completion of 48 hours of training.


If the trainee elects to discontinue training for any reason prior to completion of 48 hours, the $2800 deposit and the first payment of $13140 is due, payable, and fully earned by Blue Ridge Sport Flight and will not be refunded.  At the completion of 48 hours, the remaining balance of $10,560 is due and payable.  If the trainee discontinues training after 48 hours, all flown hours of training above 48 hours will be billed at $230 per hour, and any remaining portion of the $10560 will be refunded.  The $2800 deposit is not refundable regardless of the hours flown as it blocks out the full month for the instructor, aircraft, and cottage.  If the student completes the course, the $2800 deposit is applied to the last 12 hours of flight time.  Weather and maintenance delays are inevitable, and do not constitute grounds for refund, reasonable accomodations will be made to extend or reschedule training as needed.  All examiner fees are paid directly to the examiner in cash by the student.  The current examiner fee is $650 per checkride





Course Prerequisites and Preparation

This course requires considerable preparation in order to be succesful.  Most days will involve 4 to 5 hours flight time.  It is expected that there will be days when the weather will not be flyable, or maintenance will need to be performed.  On non flying days we will focus on ground training and preparation for for the oral exams.  All students must study the FAA Airplane Flying Handbook, the FAA Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, the FAA Instrument Flying Handbook, the applicable portions of the FAR/AIM, and the Cessna C-172M POH.  Failure to study and prepare for the course in advance will make it very difficult to complete the course in the time allowed and will not be grounds for a refund.  Additional time is available if reuired at the expense of the student.All of these documents are available free at 

Links to study materials can be found on the useful links page, or click HERE

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